Monday, August 8, 2011

A Week in the LIfe - Friday

To start this post out right I have to first tell you about the mysterious knock at the door that we received Thursday night. I alluded it it a couple of posts ago but to understand the whole Friday post you  have to hear about Thursday night.

I got home from work around 9:45...shortly there after my neighbor Jane came over and we put together her Mary Kay order so she could turn it in on Friday morning. After she left I decided I had better get ready for bed cuz we were leaving at 7AM on Friday to go to Disneyland. So I am putzing around and there's a knock at the door again. It's late....even for my neighbor to be coming over but I go to answer it....turn on the porch light and see Jeremy and Holly on the front porch! I opened the door and SCREAMED!!! So that was the reason Gary wanted us to go to Disneyland on Friday....Jeremy and Holly wanted to go with us!! I was TOTALLY SURPRISED! Cliff hasn't pulled off this good of a surprise since my 40th birthday party which was a LONG time ago!

Friday morning I woke up to Cliff fixing breakfast...I walked out into the kitchen and he had this

sitting on the counter...I grabbed my camera to take a picture and Cliff thought I was totally truly wasn't about the fruit or the fruit was about the fact that there were FIVE fruit dishes on the counter...which meant my family was ALL home together!!!

Anyway....we left for Disneyland and had a wonderful day! I was SO grateful to Kevin Year for trading shifts at work with me so I didn't have to go to work until 5:30 so I could spend more time with my family at Disneyland! Here are just a few photos from Disneyland. I have decided one of my favorite things to do at Disneyland (since I am NOT a big ride person) is taking pictures. I love to find different ways to capture the park. The biggest thing I have learned is if you aren't taking pictures of your family and you just want pictures of Disney....look up....that way you don't get lots of random people in your photos that you don't want. Well that's it for today gang...I will be back tomorrow with Saturdays photos.

Main Street Decorations

This tee shirt just made me laugh...too bad it wasn't my size
especially since my family loves all things Star Wars and I
love all things Dark Chocolate.

Jeremy Holly and Me in Tomorrowland

Loved this quick one of Eeyore

Finally Jason was willing to pose for a picture!

Thanks Uncle Gary for getting us into the park!

One of my favorite pictures spots at Disneyland

Love this cool Elephant in Gibson Girl

I put Jason to work...he didn't want to be
in the pictures so I made him take one. =)

Waiting for Soaring over California...Thinking of Grandpa

As I left to go to work...I saw this bench and almost cried
I so didn't want to leave my family.

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